D7.3 Dissemination Activities and Materials
D7.3 – Dissemination Activities and Material is the public deliverable of the H2020 project PLUGGY. This is an accompanying report of actual dissemination and communication material produced. This work was carried out as part of WP7 Communication and Dissemination.
During the first 12 months of the project, and following the guidelines outlined in D7.1 Communication and Dissemination Strategy, PLUGGY produced the project branding, the website and the communication and dissemination kit (leaflet, rollup banner and other items). In this period, the main social media channels have also been activated, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. These activities were followed by the release
of the introductory press release, and the creation of a series of mailing lists including key stakeholders, newsletter’s recipients list, which will be used during the whole duration of the project.
In the following 24 months, the communication and dissemination activities were carried out as originally planned. Public engagement activities carried out within the 36 months of the project included the creation of a Workshop titled Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage, organised as part of the 23rd ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference (June 28th, 2017, in Madeira, Portugal), and a series of public presentations at national and international events, such as scientific conferences, workshops and fairs.
Considering the initial plans, and the work done during the 36 months of the project, the PLUGGY communication and dissemination activities carried out within WP7 can be considered a success.