D2.1 Faro research and ICT recommendations<

D2.1 Faro research and ICT recommendations

D2.1 “Faro Convention realisation” is (a) an extensive literature review on the Faro Convention and accompanying material, (b) a review of interactions and social paradigms that follow and implement the principles of the Faro Convention and (c) a presentation of the main implementation guidelines so that PLUGGY can adhere to the principles of the Faro Convention.

D2.1 explores the relevant literature, scholarly publications, and project reports and guidelines originating from the implementation of Faro in order to ensure:

  • That the project will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the Faro Convention guiding principles.
  • That the project’s deliverables will adhere to the principles of the Faro Convention and will address the concerns of the final users in terms of inclusivity, flexibility, and adaptability to their ever-changing needs and demands.
  • The proper use of PLUGGY’s Social Platform and the accompanying Curatorial Tool to assist in the implementation of the Faro Convention’s goals.
  • That the project will reflect the latest and most current results of research in the field of cultural heritage, its impact on communities, and its potential for ameliorating the living conditions of individuals and communities.

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We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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