DANDELION is an EU-funded project that aims to enhance the uptake and valorisation of research results from projects within the Socio-economic Science and Humanities (SSH) community by improving their dissemination strategies and increasing the visibility of their work towards policy makers, Industry experts, the media and general citizens. This has been achieved through a series of innovative and creative communications activities targeted at a range of audiences.

The Dandelion project has recently launched the brand-new SEED Research Library.

This innovative multi-media information portal has been specifically created for SSH research projects, providing them with the opportunity to communicate their research findings directly with those interested in or involved with the SSH community at every level. Project information and results are displayed in attractive, accessible and easy-to-use digital brochures known as SEEDs, which are categorised into five thematic areas.

The Dandelion SEED Research Library is designed to encourage interaction between research projects and their target audiences. Two-way active communication, more in tune with social media than other, more traditional means of research communication, means the Library will become a valuable collaborative tool within the SSH space by linking up like-minded people through their work, their interest in common themes or their interaction with others. Building valuable networks of interested stakeholders increases the chance of research being noticed and acted upon by the right people.

A useful Document Repository is also located within the Library, searchable across many parameters making it an essential resource for all stakeholders with an interest in using and learning from SSH research.

The Dandelion SEED Research Library is a continuously growing resource for the SSH community, but also a growing archive of SSH projects and their results, recommendations and outcomes. This will ensure valuable work is not lost or forgotten when projects come to an end

If you would like to be involved with the Dandelion SEED Research Library, please e-mail: info@dandelion-europe.eu

Key Contacts & Useful Links

Project Coordinator: Iakovos Delioglanis: delioglanis@qplan.gr

Project Consortium: Q-PLAN International | LOBA | FVA New Media Design | Insight Publishers Limited | PEDAL Consulting | Goethe University | CIVITTA

Project Website: http://www.dandelion-europe.eu/en/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dandelioneurope

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dandelioneurope

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8537663/profile

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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