PLUGGY in INNOVATHENS 6th Business Accelerator, for the support of young entrepreneurs in the Creative & Cultural Industries

PLUGGY was presented during the inauguration event for the 6th cycle of INNOVATHENS Business Accelerator, held in Athens, Greece on October 9th 2017 and focusing for the second subsequent year on Creative and Cultural Industries. PLUGGY’s leading partner in Greece, ICCS, presented PLUGGY’s philosophy, key objectives and business model, as an innovative case study, combining cutting edge technology with cultural heritage, the creative industries and potential commercial opportunities.

INNOVATHES is the Hub of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of Technopolis City of Athens, that was launched in 2014 in Greece in collaboration with Athens Synergies (6 entrepreneurial associations, listing more than 350 of the most innovative and extroverted businesses of Athens). Targeting young individuals and/or working groups in Athens and beyond who wish to create, establish or enhance their own innovative enterprises, INNOVATHENS seeks to provide professional guidance and support services of high added value to the start-up community.


We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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