EMOTIVE: Storytelling for Cultural Heritage

EMOTIVE is an EU-funded heritage project that aims to use emotional storytelling to dramatically change how we experience heritage sites.

For heritage professionals, the Emotive application will provide a powerful storytelling engine and a se#Emotive_EU #Η2020 #research #storytelling #culturalheritage #liaising #t of rich digital media assets that can be used to create detailed characters and narratives featuring archaeological sites or collections of artefacts.

For visitors, Emotive will offer dramatic, emotionally engaging stories that can be experienced while at a cultural site or remotely. Wherever visitors are, they can follow characters, look for clues and explore environments alone or with family and friends.

From the very beginning of its lifetime, PLUGGY and EMOTIVE collaborate closely in several design and technical issues.

The EMOTIVE project is expected to “export” its stories in order to be included in PLUGGY’s social platform as well as to provide fruitful guidelines on how to incorporate emotions in stories, for authors of PLUGGY to inform their creations. Moreover, it gives concepts to PLUGGY so that the latter could create an experience-game and eventually incorporate collaborative aspects in its game wizard.


We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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